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Photo credits
Raphael Nahmias, Chris Ould, Maël Henaff

A drop in the Ocean (2022) 
Experts and collaborators : Rocks Oysters (oyster shells providers),
Greensand NL (Olivine sand providers), Shem Johnson
Crql "Post-enlightenment" Award

Over absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide by the ocean lowers the ocean’s pH, causing a 30% increase in ocean acidity since the industrial era. This change is slowly starting to harm marine ecosystems, but is overlooked by the public as people tend to see the needs of humans as a priority without thinking about the needs of ecosystems. Some vulnerable places like Madagascar, or the Grand barrier reef are already seeing the effects of this issue, but researches are still too early to identify specific places where it is happening.

How can we empower people in the deacidification of the oceans through waste-consumer behavior ?

This project tackles the issue of Ocean Acidification by replacing fossil fuel based materials used for takeaway trays with CO2 capturing materials (oyster shells), CO2 absorbing minerals (Olivine) and seaweed, to help marine ecosystems at its end of life.

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